Policy Papers
- Strategic Choice in Developing Telemedicine - Observations from Three Organizations. December 2019
- The Rural Hospital and Health System Affiliation Landscape – A Brief Review. November, 2018
- Distance and Networks: A Regional Analysis of Health Insurance Marketplaces. February, 2018
- Rural Implications of the Blueprints for State-Based Health Insurance Marketplaces. P2014-3. September, 2014
- State Health Insurance Exchanges: Assessing Rural Implications of Statutes. P2013-1. February, 2013
- Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plans Dominated the Rural Market in 2011. P2012-2. September, 2012
- Affordable Insurance Exchanges: A Summary of Characteristics and Rural Implications. P2012-1. January, 2012
- Affordable Insurance Exchanges and Enrollment: Meeting Rural Needs. P2012-1. January, 2012
- Rural Medicare Advantage 2011: Enrollment Trends and Plan Characteristics. P2011-9. October, 2011
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: A Summary of Provisions Important to Rural Health Care Delivery. P2010-4. June, 2010
- The Experience of Sole Community Rural Independent Pharmacies with Medicare Part D: Reports from the Field. P2006-3. December, 2006
- Elements of Successful Rural Diabetes Management Programs. P2006-2. July, 2006
- Definition of Rural in the Context of MMA Access Standards for Prescription Drug Plans. A Joint Publication of the RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis (Policy Paper P2004-7) and the North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center (Working Paper No. 79). P2004-7. September, 2004
- A Rural Perspective Regarding Regulations Implementing Titles I and II of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). From the RUPRI Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis. P2004-6. August, 2004
- Information Technology and Rural Health Networks: An Overview of Network Practices. p2004-3. April, 2004
- The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-173). A Summary of Provisions Important to Rural Health Care Delivery. Keith J. Mueller, Ph.D. P2004-1. January, 2004. Updated 1/13/04
- Care Across the Continuum: Access to Health Care Services in Rural Areas. WP2003-10. December, 2003
- Availability and Use of Health Plan Choices in Rural America: Medicare+Choice, Commercial HMO, and Federal Employees Health Benefit Program Plans. P2003-7. October, 2003
- The Immediate and Future Role of the J-1 Visa Waiver Program for Physicians: The Consequences of Change for Rural Health Care Service Delivery. P2002-3. April, 2002